Let the blogging begin!
Okay so I'm jumping the blog bandwagon. (Or as Iram would call it, "the blob") I was told I should start a blog. Hmmm I wonder why, what are you people trying to say? (You know who you are!) But it's not a bad idea, I'll just write down what I'm thinking, and you all know that's a LOT =P but in any case, I'll post whatever is funny, boring, entertaining etc, I'll let you decide. So I guess all's that's left to say is happy reading!
So here's my beef for the day: (well...one of them)
So I was watching ARY digital today (For those of you who don't know, its a Pakistani channel on TV) and they were playing a selection of music videos. Bollywood videos these days have become literally as bad, if not worse than many western videos. I was watching a remix to a nice old song the other day, and I couldn't believe how they butchered it and twisted it around so it become senseless and took the meaning out of it. In any case...you know it's Bollywood. Pakistani videos on the other hand, you think "good and wholesome" because well, theyre Pakistani, you expect something more contemporary. But in these videos they're all out dancing it up in the clubs and wearing short clothes as if (as one host put it) "they ran out of cloth to make the clothes" haha, but it's literally true! I'm thinking "am I watching a Pakistani video or did I switch to the Bollywood channel???" Is that what its become like in Pakistan nowadays? Or is it still the way they way that they show it to be in the dramas like "Bandish" and "Mehndi"??? In any case...I think I need to stop watching ARY so much...I think I'm becoming addicted. =P
So here's my beef for the day: (well...one of them)
So I was watching ARY digital today (For those of you who don't know, its a Pakistani channel on TV) and they were playing a selection of music videos. Bollywood videos these days have become literally as bad, if not worse than many western videos. I was watching a remix to a nice old song the other day, and I couldn't believe how they butchered it and twisted it around so it become senseless and took the meaning out of it. In any case...you know it's Bollywood. Pakistani videos on the other hand, you think "good and wholesome" because well, theyre Pakistani, you expect something more contemporary. But in these videos they're all out dancing it up in the clubs and wearing short clothes as if (as one host put it) "they ran out of cloth to make the clothes" haha, but it's literally true! I'm thinking "am I watching a Pakistani video or did I switch to the Bollywood channel???" Is that what its become like in Pakistan nowadays? Or is it still the way they way that they show it to be in the dramas like "Bandish" and "Mehndi"??? In any case...I think I need to stop watching ARY so much...I think I'm becoming addicted. =P
I'm honoured to be the very first commentor on your blog. And on behalf of me and other bloggers everywhere, a heartfelt "WELCOME". May your blogging days be bright and long.
P.S. you really need to change the subtitle to "an abnormal person in an abnormal world"..I mean c'mon, you are you kidding!?!
Hey Shaz! Yes, I must admit I had no idea what ARY was, but now thanks to you I do! So the next time I'm talking to a ref (*ahem* you) I can be all like...yeah ARY, I know that channel...but they're trying to be too much like Bollywood, its kinda sad. LOL!
And one more thing...like I just told you on MSN, you're so boring! Your blog should be called bigred.blogspot.com :p
welcome to the world of blogging!!!... maybe now that u'r a blogger, u'll blog more and talk less :P ... haha... anyways... looking forward to reading u'r blogs :)
ps... MSN spaces rule!.. blogger sucks :P
pps... you sound like u'r talking on the phone.. who is it that u'r talking to? :P
Congrats Shazia (My first ever HTML tagged comment...actually this is my first ever blog comment!)
If you win the world's Top 10 Blogs award, I hope you'll remember who to thank ;)
Pssss...I hear there is a rumour going around that you live for ARY and are Pakistani. Could this be true?
MSN Spaces isn't all that great - it's filled with advertisements for MSN and other services, and not easily personalized. Gotta stick with good old blogger :)
Yay I have comments!!! First of all...I AM a normal person, you're all just abnormal. Secondly Roohi I'm NOT going to change my name to "big red" lol. RS, like I said, having this blog won't make me talk less, but give me a chance to talk MORE LOL. SS, if I do win an award you will definitely be one of the people I thank for convincing me to start a blog...and where did you hear that rumour that I'm becoming Pakistani??? Just don't tell anyone...the Hydros like Khadeeja and Roohi will beat me up lol. It's okay guys don't worry, I have Hydro pride!!! =D
woah !!!!
slow down there you "paki basher"
ARY is 10 times more wholesome than the stuff on indian channels. I guess this shows that we pakis are more "masoom"
right rs ??
you couldn't have said it any better faisal ... btw, i don't know who faisal is ... yet i'm still agreeing with him... seems like a very intelligent guy tho ... prolly has an amazing job mashaAllah ;) ...
but yes, ARY is much better than B4U ... what comes out of india resembles the depths of the indian ocean ;)
btw, i'm impressed with how many comments shazia has already in only her first posting! ... quite the popular person eh?
Faisal why of all people are you asking RS?? He doesn't even know which side he belongs to...he just sits on the border LOL. (wait a minute I just realized something...you know what B4U is?!?) And Faisal, I KNOW you saw thosr videos on ARY last night...don't even tell me that those were remotely "masoom"!!!!
Howdy peeps. It's me again. The anonymous user who goes by SS.
Let's live in harmony and peace. If ya brown, ya down!
Now, let me watch this carefully selected Pakistani music video for the 10th time :)
LOL SS is it that same video I told you about the other day?!
umm and what video was this exactly?
Can someone tell me what this ARY thing is? It seems like it's some sort of channel but I'm pretty sure I don't have it. The only channel I know that shows Indian/Pakistani nonsense is Omni...
Okay, nevermind, I actually didn't read this first post properly and only now noticed that Shazia wrote:
"For those of you who don't know, its a Pakistani channel on TV."
Silly me... I'm so used to skimming whatever Shazia says (since she goes into long stories that require some sort of filtration system to figure out the meaningful parts), that I missed that part.
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