Monday, November 14, 2005

We never change, do we?

To you, the reader, I would like to apologize. I would like to apologize for the past, the present, and any future misgivings I will have towarads you.

Huh, what is she talking about? What does she mean? This will all make sense in a minute. But first, a word from our sponsors...

Just kidding. But really, I do apologize. I'm not sure I can pinpoint the exact cause of this, but lately I find myself becoming increasingly bitter. Do I sound like a nutcase yet? Yeah yeah, I know, "but you already are one!" Don't worry, I'm not in that whole "I hate life, I hate the world, I hate you" phase. I just find myself becoming annoyed with little things, and whereas before I would brush it off or likely just ignore it, I make it known that I'm annoyed. Not on a grand-scale screaming and kicking sort of way though. Rather, kind of a nonchalant, subtle sarcasm kind of response-basically you can tell I'm annoyed. Now some of you are going "ohhh, that's why she was like that!" Which is why I am apologizing.

For those who know me, you know I'm a relatively happy-go-lucky type of person. On the surface. (what, she has two personalities?!) I generally don't let things bother me, and I'm quick to forgive and forget in most cases . So this is why it's bothering me so much that I'm beginning to get like this. Maybe my tolerance for people it becoming lower seeing as to how I have to deal with all sorts of people at the pharmacy. I've noticed lately that people are becoming increasing rude, impatient, and generally ignorant. Sounds like I'm in the USA! (haha, just kidding) No really, sometimes at the pharmacy I feel like I have a "please be rude to me" sticker stuck on my forehead. Some people can be real jerks. Before when people would be rude about the wait time I would smile and tell them we'll try to do it faster. Now I'll "give them the option" of taking their prescription elsewhere. Maybe it's their negative vibe rubbing off on me.

Who doesn't go through hard times in life? If life were a piece of cake I don't think we'd have half the problems we have today! But anyways, I don't want to say that life is making me bitter. That's too cliche. Not even circumstances. I think its each individual event. I react differently than how I would react before.

So now what?
I don't know. I'll try to be nice, I swear! Just like before, I'll try to smile and take it all with a grain of salt. Because believe me, I hate being bitter, its not fun! I don't like hurting people or to see anyone hurt. I'm used to keeping my emotions bottled up deep inside, so that's where they will have to stay. Anyways, without this becoming too mushy gushy its important to remember that in times like this we turn to the One who has the power to change things for the better or for the worse, but its all part of the Master Plan. I'm a strong believer in everything happening for a reason, so for this too there must be a reason. But as everything else, I hope this is just temporary and this too, shall pass. Like I said in the meantime, don't mind me, I'll try to be nice and be the same goof you all know and love. (right?)

"We never change, do we? We never learned to leave,
so I wanna live in a wooden house, I wanna live life, always be true, I wanna
live life, and be good to you, I wanna fly, and never come down, and I live my
life, and have friends around"

-We Never Change, Coldplay


Blogger Nauman said...

"Allah does not change a people's lot unless they change what is in their hearts."
- Quran (13:11)

November 14, 2005 2:48 PM  
Blogger AKA said...

I knew it just wasn't my neurotic mind when I thought something was different about you lately. Something I thought it was me and something I did and I didn't know when and how to bring it up!

You of all people shouldn't be talking about bottling up feelings - it's what you're always after me to not do!

It's easy to say but dont let work get to you like that. I deal with the rude and ignorant people every day too so I know what you're going through. You try to smile your way through it at first, then it just gets too hard so you give up and go for the tough-girl routine. It's not your way, but it works.

Despite trying to keep your post from being mushy, I have to say it: no matter what you're going through, you know you always have me to turn to! *hug*

November 15, 2005 12:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the question to ask is... why should we change in the first place?... everyone is a little mean every now and then... some of us are really mean... but that's what makes us who we are (how cliche was that?)... if being nice isn't in you, then so be it... so what if u'r nice 95% of the time instead of 100%... noones perfect... so i say be mean! be as mean as you can be! but not to me of course... :D

November 15, 2005 12:21 AM  

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