Quote of the Day
"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time"
I came across this quote the other day and it really made me think. How true is this? I mean personally I could (and pretty much DO) spend time doing things when I could or should be doing other things. Like right now for instance, I should be studying but I'm not, I'm blogging. And I enjoy it...but I still feel like its time that's being wasted. We always say "if only I had more time" or "there aren't enough hours in the day" Out of the time that we do have, how much of it actually goes into productive activity? This is kinda similar to an entry on Rehan's blog that I read today about how we're so "techologized" and part of the purpose of technology is to save us time. But does it? I too find myself on the computer a good portion of the day when I could be doing something else. There are so many things that I want to do and I always say "when I have the time then I will do them" But then something comes up and it just doesn't happen. I don't think we realize how big of a loss wasted time really is. We always look back and think about how we would have done things differently. I know I would. But...well we can't. We can learn from our mistakes and make sure it doesn't happen again I guess. In theory this all sounds so easy doesn't it? If only it were! Well now with the summer coming up, I'm going to have "time" (relatively speaking...between working and events we'll see how much time there actually is!) and I have a list of goals that I want to complete...not necessarily all by this summer though. Some are short term while others are long term. Some are:
-READ. Books AND Qur'an. I used to be a book-a-holic at a time and i LOVE reading. Now the only books I read are textbooks. I always buy books and they're literally sitting there waiting to be read. I especially can't wait to read Michael Moore's "Dude, Where's my Country?" His views on politcs are awesome. Too bad not everyone appreciates him.
-Redecorate my room. I've been meaning to do this for so long. I have the vision, now its time to implement it. Guess what the color scheme is going to be??? =P
-Learn arabic. I really want to learn how to speak and understand it. I can read it but reading the Qur'an without understanding isn't quite the same.
-Learn to make butter chicken. I know its not that hard, but I want to become a pro at it and add it to my list of culinary dishes =P kidding
-Learn to make ras malai the REAL way and not from the mix. Iram's mom is going to teach me how to "phaar the doodh" in the cheesecloth :D lol
-Rollerblade after sunrise. Just the right weather...watching the sunrise...sigh...
haha okay that's just some of them I'm pretty sure I can get some of those done this summer. I just hope I can make better use of my time and not waste it as much. Well, we'll see what happens because I'm expecting it to be a busy summer. But in the end...lets all make the most of the time that we do get.
I came across this quote the other day and it really made me think. How true is this? I mean personally I could (and pretty much DO) spend time doing things when I could or should be doing other things. Like right now for instance, I should be studying but I'm not, I'm blogging. And I enjoy it...but I still feel like its time that's being wasted. We always say "if only I had more time" or "there aren't enough hours in the day" Out of the time that we do have, how much of it actually goes into productive activity? This is kinda similar to an entry on Rehan's blog that I read today about how we're so "techologized" and part of the purpose of technology is to save us time. But does it? I too find myself on the computer a good portion of the day when I could be doing something else. There are so many things that I want to do and I always say "when I have the time then I will do them" But then something comes up and it just doesn't happen. I don't think we realize how big of a loss wasted time really is. We always look back and think about how we would have done things differently. I know I would. But...well we can't. We can learn from our mistakes and make sure it doesn't happen again I guess. In theory this all sounds so easy doesn't it? If only it were! Well now with the summer coming up, I'm going to have "time" (relatively speaking...between working and events we'll see how much time there actually is!) and I have a list of goals that I want to complete...not necessarily all by this summer though. Some are short term while others are long term. Some are:
-READ. Books AND Qur'an. I used to be a book-a-holic at a time and i LOVE reading. Now the only books I read are textbooks. I always buy books and they're literally sitting there waiting to be read. I especially can't wait to read Michael Moore's "Dude, Where's my Country?" His views on politcs are awesome. Too bad not everyone appreciates him.
-Redecorate my room. I've been meaning to do this for so long. I have the vision, now its time to implement it. Guess what the color scheme is going to be??? =P
-Learn arabic. I really want to learn how to speak and understand it. I can read it but reading the Qur'an without understanding isn't quite the same.
-Learn to make butter chicken. I know its not that hard, but I want to become a pro at it and add it to my list of culinary dishes =P kidding
-Learn to make ras malai the REAL way and not from the mix. Iram's mom is going to teach me how to "phaar the doodh" in the cheesecloth :D lol
-Rollerblade after sunrise. Just the right weather...watching the sunrise...sigh...
haha okay that's just some of them I'm pretty sure I can get some of those done this summer. I just hope I can make better use of my time and not waste it as much. Well, we'll see what happens because I'm expecting it to be a busy summer. But in the end...lets all make the most of the time that we do get.
Now that you've posted all those goals, you know we're expecting to try your butter chicken and ras malai! And if you're thinking of redecorating your room red (which we know you are), then I beg of you not to! I've finally been able to get back into my own old habit of reading and I'm starting to pick up biographies. I've started with the Autobiography of Malcolm X and just havnt had the time to get far into it :S
I think the quote tries to resolve what people may feel after they've done something. What I mean is, and this goes back to Afreen's blog, we make a choice to do something we enjoy, go somewhere, see someone and later we think, "could we have done something else that could have better"? maybe something more productive? But as Sarah commented, no decision is maximally efficient and so we'll never be completely happy. So when you've done something that you've enjoyed, dont look back on it and say 'what if'. Rather, look forward and say 'what's next!' :)
I like that!!! Wow RS, that's deep...deep like the Indian Ocean. So I guess that was your Indian side saying that then??? =P
Hahaha... so you're blogging too now? Jokes. Anyway, I have been making butter chicken from this recipe I got from Chatelaine. (You can find it on their website too.) It's awesome!! (Yes, a brown girl learnt how to make butter chicken from a white magazine... what is the world coming to?!)
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