Wednesday, April 20, 2005

World on Fire

Check out Sarah McLachlan's "World on Fire" Video

I've heard this song on the radio a few times and the lyrics intrigued me so I looked it up and I came across this site.
(Check out its lyrics) The video left me in total awe and helps put things into perspective. Its really sad that conditions like that exist around the world and more often than not we're oblivious to them. We know they are there but sadly enough we're too wrapped up in our lives to do as much of our part as we could. There's a hadith that says "My Ummah is like a body; when one part feels pain, every part is affected" How often do we think about our brothers and sisters who are halfway across the world and who are suffering, while we are here living contently? I ask this question to myself first. In the end though I know everyone's account is with God. Watching this video really makes me feel like I want to make a difference though and I hope one day to. I have a friend who went with an organization to the impoverished regions of Haiti last summer to build facilites, and when he came back he said to see people living in extreme poverty and sickness like that really affected him and changed who he was. He's going back this summer to help build a soup kitchen I believe there. There's one part at the end of the song that goes:

"The more we take the less we become
The fortune of one man means less for some"

It's true, sometimes we become so consumed in our own materialism that our values and our humanity itself take a backseat. One could be rich in wealth but poor in content, while some people are rich in happiness just living comfortably. Anyways, I like what Sarah McLachlan has done with the video, especially the ending. Its good to see that celebrities such as herself and Bono take the time to help those less fortunate than themselves. I'm surprised at how little an amount of money can amount to so much, like 6 months worth of medical supplies for 5000 patients for only $7500. That's it! I'm sure with the amount that we have we can take some out and donate to a reputable charity where we know our money will be put to good use. Let's try to do more on our part, and not just in monetary ways, but keep those who need our support in ours prayers as well.


Blogger AKA said...

It's definitely encouraging for many people to see celebrities they admire doing positive things for a local community or on a global scale. It brings greater attention to issues and their celebrity power is put to good use. Bono has done some great things for AIDS as well as lobbying for debt relief. Chris Martin (from Coldplay) is also working with a great organization called Oxfam that works on a local and global level to fight issues of poverty and injustice.

April 22, 2005 1:20 AM  
Blogger KMR said...

It certainly makes you think. Thanks for sharing..I haven't been listening to 'pop' music (not that Sarah is really pop) for some time now.

April 25, 2005 10:04 PM  

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